research interests
computational biology
machine learning and statistical modeling
complex network analysis
wireless communications
parallel computing
Selected Publications.
"CoVar: A generalizable machine learning approach to identify the coordinated regulators driving variational gene expression" PLoS Computational Biology
"Towards a Unified Pandemic Management Architecture: Survey, Challenges, and Future Directions" ACM Computing Surveys
"Curbing Pandemic Through Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Priority Aware Mobility Scheduling" IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
"A machine learning approach identifies 5-ASA and ulcerative colitis as being linked with higher COVID-19 mortality in patients with IBD" Scientific Reports (2021)
"Quantifying Mobility and Mixing Propensity in the Spatiotemporal Context of a Pandemic Spread" IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (2021)
"Factors affecting COVID-19 infected and death rates inform lockdown-related policymaking" PloS ONE (2020)
"Motifs enable communication efficiency and fault-tolerance in transcriptional networks" Scientific Reports (2020)
"Role of motifs in topological robustness of gene regulatory networks" IEEE International Conference on Communications (2017)
Google Scholar link Research Gate link
Academic Service
Reviewed papers
IEEE CNS 2015 IEEE LCN 2017 IEEE SMARTCOMP 2017 IEEE Globecom 2017 IEEE WoWMoM 2018 IEEE Journal Access ACM ICDCN EmeRTes 2020 ACM ICDCN SoCIeTY 2020 Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Wireless Sensors and Drones in Internet of Things (Wi-DroIT) 2020 The International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications IEEE INFOCOM IEEE COMSNETS 2021 Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing PLOS One Transactions on Mobile Computing Scientific Reports IEEE Access ACM BCB ACM 6G-ABS 2021 BMJ Open International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction MDPI Information Springer Journal of Engineering Mathematics International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2022 MDPI Algorithms IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) Immunopharmacology And Immunotoxicology Computers & Industrial Engineering PLOS Digital Health Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Conference / Journal Committees
Academic editor, PLOS ONE
Technical Program Committee member, PerCom WiP session, IEEE PerCom2023
International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services (EmeRTeS) Colocated with ICDCN 2023
Editor, special issue of MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health titled, "Control Strategies toward the Mitigation of Public Transport Exposure Risk"
Wireless Sensors & Drones in IoT (Wi-DroIT) 2021, 2022
Teaching and mentoring
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Discrete Math, Analysis of Algorithm, Applied Graph Theory, Missouri University of Science and Technology (2014-2019)
Mentored four undergraduate students researcher (2015-2021)
College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) Ph.D. Scholar Award 2019, Missouri University of Science and Technology in recognition of his scholarship excellence, academic success, and service contribution to Missouri University of Science and Technology
Academic Achievement Award 2014 - 19 from Department of Computer Science at Missouri University of Science and Technology
Nominee for the best department teaching assistant award in the department of Computer Science, 2017
National Science Foundation student travel grants for IEEE PerCom 2015, 18, 21 and IEEE ICC 2017
Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar, 2009 at St. Louis University, MO, USA
Invited TALK
"Computational Models to Inform Public Behavior and Policymaking in the Post-Pandemic World", at International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition 2022.
You can download from CV from here.